IPMG is pleased to announce that the first Professional Development Workshop of 2016 will feature Jonathan Martinis, Legal Director of Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities and the Project Director of the National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making. The workshop will be held on Friday, January 15 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. According to Mr. Martinis, “Study after study has shown that people with disabilities who have more self-determination – more control over their lives – are healthier, more independent, more likely to be employed at higher paying jobs, more integrated into their community, and safer. And yet, people with disabilities continue to be placed in overbroad and undue guardianships that take away their Right to Make Choices and limit their opportunities. This session will introduce Supported Decision-Making, a way people can stay in control of their own lives and make their own decisions, with the support of trusted friends, family members, and professionals. It will also discuss practical ways to access and use Supported Decision-Making to increase self-determination and improve life outcomes through the Special Education, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Medicaid Waiver systems.”
Don't miss this exciting and informative workshop! Register today! After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. A link to the recording and slides will be sent to everyone who registers, whether or not you are able to attend the live webinar. Comments are closed.
June 2024