The following is information shared by HANDS in Autism in their January 28, 2017 newsletter.
As individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) transition to the college and employment level, they often are placed at increased risk. The IEP that was worked on and refined year after year doesn't apply to U.S. colleges and universities and the same adaptations that were of most help in high school may not immediately transfer to the workplace or post secondary training setting. At the college level and on the job-site, a new set of "rules" are in place with new social norms. These rules are based on different laws centered on the college-aged student or young adult. The Arc to Facilitate Meetings on Employment Options for Individuals Receiving Sub-Minimum Wage1/30/2017
Reforms passed by Congress in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), require individuals receiving a sub-minimum wage to have the opportunity to prepare for, obtain, maintain, advance in, or regain competitive integrated employment, including supported or customized employment. The reforms also require that individuals be informed of these opportunities.
The following is information was sent to Medicaid Providers by Joe Moser the Medicair Director for the State of Indiana:
Dear Medicaid Provider Community: Based upon satisfactory results from additional testing in the new system since December, we are ready to launch the new processing system for Indiana Medicaid, “CoreMMIS,” on February 13, 2017. CoreMMIS will replace Indiana Medicaid’s longtime processing system, IndianaAIM. The links to December 2016 employment data for Indiana counties, cities and MSA’s are listed below:
The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS) will host a Train-the-Trainer Core A/B Medication Administration training session on March 10, 2017, at the Indiana Government Center South in Indianapolis. The training session will be held in Conference Center Room C from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. EST and is for agency nurses who work for approved BDDS providers. Once the training is completed, agency nurses will be approved to train agency staff.
June 2024