The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) is beginning week three of implementation of the CoreMMIS and the Provider Healthcare Portal (Portal). The Indiana Family and Social Service Administration (FSSA) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) have made progress in stabilizing the new system but are aware some performance issues still exist. It is their intention to resolve issues as quickly as possible. They also intend to keep the provider community aware of problems that have been identified and the progress being made to resolve them.
Please see the following synopsis for Day 15 of the roll out: The State of Indiana is accepting public comment on the Part C State Plan. The plan is on file with the Bureau of Child Development Services, 402 W. Washington St., MS 51, Indianapolis, IN 46204 and on the Program Evaluation Reports webpage. Copies of the application may also be available for review at First Steps Councils and System Point of Entry offices throughout the state or at the above address. Interested persons may request copies of the application by calling 1-877-511-1144 or emailing [email protected].
Interested persons and organizations may submit written comments for State review until April 20, 2017. Written comments should include the name, title and address of commentator, the specific part of the proposed application on which comments are being made, and the specific recommended actions to be taken. Comments may be mailed to First Steps Early Intervention System, Bureau of Child Development Services, 402 W. Washington St. MS 51, Indianapolis, IN 46204, Attn: First Steps Application or emailed to [email protected]. You can view the full announcement here. We hope this information is helpful. If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact the INARF office. The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) is beginning week two of implementation of the CoreMMIS and the Provider Healthcare Portal (Portal). The Indiana Family and Social Service Administration (FSSA) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) have made progress in stabilizing the new system but are aware some performance issues still exist. It is their intention to resolve issues as quickly as possible. They also intend to keep the provider community aware of problems that have been identified and the progress being made to resolve them.
Please see the following synopsis for Day 12 of the roll out: The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) is beginning week two of implementation of the CoreMMIS and the Provider Healthcare Portal (Portal). The Indiana Family and Social Service Administration (FSSA) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) have made progress in stabilizing the new system but are aware some performance issues still exist. It is their intention to resolve issues as quickly as possible. They also intend to keep the provider community aware of problems that have been identified and the progress being made to resolve them.
Please see the following synopsis for Day 11 of the roll out: The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) is beginning week two of implementation of the CoreMMIS and the Provider Healthcare Portal (Portal). The Indiana Family and Social Service Administration (FSSA) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) have made progress in stabilizing the new system but are aware some performance issues still exist. It is their intention to resolve issues as quickly as possible. They also intend to keep the provider community aware of problems that have been identified and the progress being made to resolve them.
Please see the following synopsis for Day 10 of the roll out: |
June 2024