Opportunity of Interest: Employment Services Hybrid Model Training Dates & Registration Released3/20/2015
In January 2015, the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) released the final version of the changes planned for the Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Services Rates, including a description of the Hybrid Service Model that will replace the current Results Based Funding (RBF) on July 1, 2015. The INARF Vocational Rehabilitation Work Group was instrumental in the development of this model, and continues to work with BRS to finalize service components. As the implementation date of the new model approaches, BRS is hosting fourteen (14) one-day information sessions in May and June throughout the state that will guide vocational rehabilitation counselors and staff, community employment providers, and other employment specialists through the new rate structure and Hybrid Service Model components. INARF encourages its members to participate in these training opportunities, as vital information about the new model and its implementation will be provided.
Training dates, times, and locations are provided on this flyer. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED AND SPACE IS LIMITED FOR EACH DATE AND LOCATION. To register, please go to the Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Service Model Training Registration Website. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact Lori Pierce at [email protected] or call (812) 856-0169. Additionally, you may contact your INARF office for assistance. Please note: Prior to this training, attendees will watch a brief webinar explaining the basics of the new Employment Services Model. Registrants will be sent a link to the webinar following registration confirmation for the training. Comments are closed.
June 2024