Each year, the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) works with the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community to gather data from Indiana providers of employment and day services. This data is used to inform policy makers about trends and issues related to how individuals with disabilities spend their day. The Day and Employment Services Outcome System (DESOS) is a web-based information management application that collects this annual information. DESOS has recently been updated to include easier-to-use features and enhanced security measures. An informational webinar about these changes may be viewed by visiting this link. INARF strongly encourages all INARF members who provide employment and day services to participate in this important effort. The deadline for providers to enter data is May 31, 2013. If you have any questions regarding data entry or the DESOS system, please contact the Center on Community Living and Careers at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana University at via email or by phone at (812) 855-6508. #### Have a passion for advocacy? The Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services Commission (IPAS) is seeking new Commission and Mental Illness Advisory Council (MIAC) members. Members must be committed to promoting the legal and civil rights of people with developmental disabilities, mental illness, or other disabilities and the cause of protecting and promoting individual choice. Persons interested in applying should contact Karen Pedevilla, Education and Training Director, 800-622-4845, ext. 232. #### On a related note, IPAS recently broadened its efforts to inform Hoosiers with disabilities about their rights and the ways IPAS can help by publishing its first newsletter. Topics include National and State News, as well as IPAS Updates and News. #### Have you taken part in the 2013 Indiana Disability Poll-Focus on Health Issues? There's still time to do so. Designed to capture the experiences of Hoosiers with disabilities, family members, and advocates regarding overall health status, access to health care, and wellness activities, this critical survey will be used to better inform policymakers and sponsoring organizations about the health issues faced by Hoosiers with disabilities. The Annual Indiana Disability Poll is a joint effort of the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, the Indiana Governor's Council for People with Disabilities, and Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services. Comments are closed.
June 2024