The Senate Appropriations Committee continues to debate which appropriations will be included in the budget as they craft the Senate version of HB 1001. INARF Staff and consultants continue to advocate for the inclusion of our appropriations requests in the budget bill, and we need to ensure that Senate Appropriations Committee Members hear from as many people as possible regarding our appropriations requests. Thus, WE NEED YOUR HELP REACHING OUT TO THE SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS AS THEY DISCUSS WHAT WILL BE INCLUDED. What you can do to help: Email all Senate Appropriations Committee Members using the emails listed below and request their support for our appropriation requests listed below to be included in the budget. Senator Ryan Mishler - [email protected] Senator Eric Bassler - [email protected] Senator Phil Boots - [email protected] Senator Jean Breaux - [email protected] Senator Liz Brown - [email protected] Senator Ed Charbonneau - [email protected] Senator Michael Crider - [email protected] Senator Jon Ford - [email protected] Senator Randy Head - [email protected] Senator Travis Holdman - [email protected] Senator Eddie Melton - [email protected] Senator David Niezgodski - [email protected] Senator Karen Tallian - [email protected] Please copy Katy Stafford-Cunningham ([email protected]) on any emails you send and forward responses you receive to her so that she can follow up with legislators as needed. What to include in your message: There is a higher likelihood that committee members will consider your communications and our included funding request if each message they receive is unique and personalized with information about why these issues and appropriations requests are important and how they impact Hoosiers with disabilities. As such, we will not provide a template message, but simply request that you address the topics below and emphasize why these issues are important to you as a Hoosier who cares about individuals with disabilities:
*For each topic, please emphasize why these issues are important to you as a Hoosier who cares about individuals with disabilities. How to expand the outreach and keep the momentum going: Share this Call to Action with your staff, Boards of Directors, individuals served, families, and all of your networks. Thank you for your help with this vital ask! Comments are closed.
June 2024