In an effort to ensure that accurate information is available in the case management system Advocare on individuals receiving waiver services, the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) announced that it is working with waiver case managers to update information under the "individual's living arrangements" tab in the Advocare case management system to reflect actual living arrangements for all CIHW participants. To this end, DDRS released three (3) announcements on this effort, including detailed communications targeted at consumers, case managers and providers.
These targeted communications outline that if an individual's updated living arrangement results in a new budget allocation, the case manager will receive a notification that a new Objective Based Allocation (OBA) has been calculated. Case managers will then review the allocation and work with the Individualized Support Team (IST) to determine the most appropriate course of action. It is anticipated that these notifications will begin immediately and updates to impacted Cost Comparison Budgets (CCBs) are to be completed by May 1. Importantly, the communications reinforce the availability of the Budget Review Questionnaire (BRQ) and/or appeal rights if the IST determines the new allocation does not meet the individual's needs.
In addition, the communications provide guidance on how to view the information through the Advocare Provider Portal. All are encouraged to review this information and when appropriate contact the individuals' case managers should the information appear inaccurate. If you have not yet signed up to participate in the Advocare Provider Portal, you may do so by following the instructions provided. If you have any questions regarding registering for and the use of the portal, please contact the BQIS helpline at [email protected]. Please visit the DDRS Announcements webpage to view the bulletins and the supporting documents in detail. Comments are closed.
June 2024