The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) posted the following important information to the provider website at on September 28, 2017 (unless alternate date is noted). Bulletins and Banner Pages BT201766 – FSSA announces CMS approval of CIH and FSW amendments BT201765 – Annual update of ICD-10 codes is effective October 1, 2017 BT201764 – October 2017 quarterly HCPCS code updates announced Provider Reference Modules
Long-Term Care -Edited and reorganized text as needed for clarity -Made extensive revisions to update the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) process -Updated RUG-III to RUG IV -Changed Hewlett Packard Enterprise references to DXC Technology -Added the Short-Term Placement in an Institution for Mental Disease section -Updated the rate reduction information in the Proprietary Large Private and Small ICFs/IID section -Added that LOC information must match billing provider information in the Autoclosure Process for Inpatient Crossover Claims section -Updated the EOB 1024 section -Updated PASRR information in the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Billing section Presumptive Eligibility -Reorganized and edited text as needed for clarity -Merged information from Hospital Presumptive Eligibility module into this module -Changed Hewlett Packard Enterprise references to DXC Technology -Added clarification regarding PE vs. PEPW processes and benefit plan in the Introduction section -Added provider type and specialty information to the PE Qualified Provider Types section -Updated aid category names for consistency throughout the module -Updated the Qualified Providers section -Added information about claim processing and prior authorization to the DXC Technology and Managed Care Entities sections -Updated the FSSA Division of Family Resources section -Updated the Enrolling as a Presumptive Eligibility Qualified Provider section -Clarified information in the General Requirements for All PE Applicants section -Updated the Completing the Presumptive Eligibility Member Application section -Added Table 3 – PE Benefit Plan Assignment Based on Aid Category and related text under the new section heading: Presumptive Eligibility Coverage -Updated the Member Identification and Eligibility Verification section -Updated the Coordination with Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women section -Added the Special Rules Regarding Presumptive Eligibility for Inmates section and subsections -Updated the Presumptive Eligibility Claim Submission section and subsectionsRemoved the Hospital Presumptive Eligibility module from the Provider Reference Materials page at; this information is now included in the Presumptive Eligibility module Check out these resources to stay up-to-date with the most recent changes at the IHCP. Comments are closed.
June 2024