The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services and the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services believe that a true person-centered system measures a service or program by its ability to achieve quality, person-centered outcomes for the individuals being supported. We also recognize that providers play a key role in helping individuals receiving services achieve their good life by facilitating choice, control and integration. In order to better ensure the quality of home-and community-based services individuals are receiving, the state has created the Quality On-Site Provider Review process. This new process includes an on-site review and evaluation of the quality of services being delivered to individuals receiving HCBS. While BQIS will continue to review compliance with key regulatory requirements that are part of the assurances to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (e.g., qualified provider, employee background checks and training), additional insight will be captured through inclusion of a person-centered review to include conversations with individuals and their families, observations and review of outcome data. This will also provide an opportunity for BQIS to identify best practice models among HCBS providers and to provide technical assistance where opportunities for growth are identified.
Over the past year, several providers participated in the QOPR pilot. We appreciate the providers who participated in the pilot. With the support of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, we used a Plan-Do-Study-Act model to refine and improve the process throughout the pilot. Based on our pilot results, we are ready to fully implement the QOPR process as part of our HCBS quality assurance strategies. In terms of next steps, BQIS is working to schedule providers in a manner that does not overlap with existing accreditation or provider reverification activities. Beginning in Sept. 2021, each quarter approximately 30 providers will be selected to participate in a QOPR. Selected providers will receive a notice from BQIS that they have been selected to be reviewed in that calendar quarter. For more information, please be sure to register for our upcoming QOPR Process webinar scheduled for August 27 from 10-11 AM EDT. The webinar will be recorded and made available for later viewing. If you have questions, please contact [email protected]. Comments are closed.
June 2024