In January, the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services issued Provider Reverification policies for accredited and non-accredited providers. While these policies became effective on February 9, 2020, BQIS will be phasing-in implementation beginning with an informational webinar, then a pilot with both the accredited and non-accredited providers, and finally a staggered roll-out. Informational webinar
On Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 10 a.m. EST, BQIS will host an informational webinar on the Provider Reverification Process. During the webinar, the process will be explained and examples of documentation will be shared. Questions will be addressed during the webinar but may also be submitted ahead of time to [email protected]. The webinar will be recorded and posted on the BQIS website. To participate in the webinar on Thursday, February 20, at 10 a.m. EST, please log onto URL:
Prior to the webinar, please check your organization’s connection to ensure it has latest updates and add-ins. To do so, please click here. Accredited provider pilot details In an effort to assess and refine the process, BQIS will conduct a pilot of the Provider Reverification Process, beginning with accredited providers. During the pilot, a small group of providers will participate in both the annual review and the full reverification process. At the conclusion of the pilot BQIS will reconvene the reverification work group that included the Indiana Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Inc. and the Arc of Indiana staff, along with provider representatives and the pilot providers, to obtain feedback on the process. Based on the information from the pilot, BQIS will adjust the process, as necessary. On June 1, 2020, BQIS will begin full implementation of the reverification process with accredited providers. The review will be scheduled based on the date in which the provider was either approved by the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services or the date the provider’s previous re-approval term ends (see below for additional details). Key points: Accredited providers: A BDDS waiver provider who has (or is pursuing) at least one of the services requiring accreditation and is accredited by one of the accrediting entities set forth in Indiana Code 12-11-1.1.11:
BDDS services requiring accreditation:
Comprehensive Evaluation Review Tool: This process, also known as provider compliance, will end on March 31, 2020. Post-Pilot Accredited Provider Review schedule: A provider’s reverification/annual review will be based on the date in which the provider was either approved by BDDS or the date the provider’s previous re-approval term ends. Each BDDS approved waiver provider will be reviewed during the year; however, BQIS will attempt to avoid scheduling an accredited provider’s review during the six months prior to the provider’s accreditation survey. Non-accredited provider pilot details Once the accredited provider review process moves to full implementation, BQIS will then conduct a pilot with non-accredited providers following a similar process. Additional details will be made available prior to the launch of that pilot. For questions related to this announcement, please contact [email protected]. The DDRS is a program of the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration. If you have questions about DDRS programs and services, visit us online at Comments are closed.
June 2024