The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services, within the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services, is required pursuant to 460 IAC 6-7-2 to ensure that service providers approved under Indiana’s home-and community-based services waivers are compliant with all statutes, rules, regulations and requirements. The Bureau of Quality Improvement Services supports BDDS by monitoring providers’ compliance with all statutes, rules, regulations and requirements.
As part of its responsibility to monitor waiver services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, BQIS validates providers’ compliance through our authority/obligation under 460 IAC 6. Further, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services requires states address a variety of assurances and sub-assurances as part of their home-and community-based services waiver programs. One such sub-assurance includes a requirement that “the State verifies that providers initially and continually meet required licensure and/or certification standards and adhere to other standards prior to their furnishing services.” (Instructions: Version 3.6 HCBS Waiver Application, CMS, p. 125). In January 2020, BDDS issued a new policy titled “Provider Reverification for Accredited Waiver Services.” During the fall of 2020, the BQIS conducted a pilot of the Provider Reverification Process for Accredited Providers. At the conclusion of the pilot the provider reverification workgroup convened and during this meeting, the providers involved in the initial pilot shared their feedback. The collective feedback was positive, but the workgroup recommended a second pilot which would include smaller and newer providers. The second pilot occurred earlier this year. The workgroup and pilot providers convened and shared feedback on the process which included:
Based on feedback from this work group, the current Provider Reverification for Accredited Waiver Services policy (BDDS 2020-01-R-001) has been revised. The revised policy will become effective on Nov. 13, 2021 ,and is available on the DDRS Policies webpage. The policy is listed below and is available on the DDRS Policies webpage: BQIS is a program of the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services whose mission is to ensure quality supports are aligned with person-centered principles by leading strategic change that empowers people to live their good life. To learn more about BQIS or other DDRS programs, please visit us online by clicking here. For questions related to this announcement, please contact [email protected]. The DDRS is a program of the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration. If you have questions about DDRS programs and services, visit us online at Comments are closed.
June 2024