The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services will host a Train-the-Trainer Core A/B Medication Administration training session on March 15, 2019, at the Indiana Government Center South in Indianapolis. The training session will be held in Conference Room 2 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. EDT and is for agency nurses who work for approved BDDS providers. Once the training is completed, agency nurses will be approved to train agency staff. Attendees must register for the training, as there is a 40 person limit for the session. Register by clicking on the link below and filling out the appropriate information. You will then receive a confirmation email. Additional questions about the training may be directed to Sondra Tarter at [email protected].
Train-the-Trainer Core A/B Medication Administration Registration and Reminders
The Indiana Government Center South is located at 402 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204. The Government Center parking garage is located on the south side of Washington St., but parking is subject to availability. To access the garage, please pull into garage number 1 and take a ticket from the ticket machine. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PARKING TICKET IN YOUR CAR. Please bring parking ticket into the training so the ticket can be validated. The DDRS is a program of the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration. If you have questions about DDRS programs and services, visit us online at Comments are closed.
June 2024