The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services is currently accepting applications for the first grant cycle. The applications needs to be submitted by Friday, June 26, 2020, by 6 p.m. EDT and are available on the DDRS COVID-19 Resource webpage, in the BDDS section. Interested day service providers will find an instructional guide and the link to the application. BDDS Day Services Sustainability Grants are intended to provide temporary assistance to HCBS waiver and OBRA providers who provide adult day, facility habilitation, pre-vocational habilitation, individual habilitation, and/or group habilitation services under the Family Support and Community Habilitation and Integration waivers or the OBRA program and had to close or suspend services as a result of COVID-19. In considering the application process, providers should keep in mind the following key points:
The DDRS is a program of the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration. If you have questions about DDRS programs and services, visit us online at Comments are closed.
June 2024