On February 2nd, Ability Indiana hosted its quarterly provider meeting at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indianapolis. Representatives from employment centers all over the state of Indiana were in attendance including co-chairs Eric Geswein of Rauch Industries and Bill Rock of Carey Services. During this meeting we had brief introductions of all members including formal introductions of Nick Rhoad, the new director of Ability Indiana and Asher Weaver, new account executive with Ability Indiana. The bulk of the meeting included the Ability Indiana Program Update which encapsulated Sales Activity for the fiscal year, average wages, and employment numbers for people with disabilities. New contracts, renewals and changes in DOA staff were also noted at this time. There was a brief discussion on the State Use PRoviders Association (SUPRA) national conference which included updates on new and developing products, pertinent governmental affairs information, and ways to bring people together to create a unified voice for people with disabilities. Our guest speaker of the afternoon was Bill Stetzel of Noble who gave an informative presentation on how they are able to transition individuals from employment centers to competitive employment. The day concluded with a networking lunch and conversation regarding 2016 business development plans for employment centers around the state of Indiana. For more information on the details of this meeting or on how to become an employment center please contact any member of the Ability Indiana Team at 317-634-4957.
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June 2024