For the original publication, please click here. The following is a text version of the original publication. -- To: Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS) Consumers, Stakeholders and Providers From: Nicole Norvell, Director, Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services Re: Living arrangements for individuals on the CIH Waiver Date: April 1, 2015 The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services has been working with the Medicaid waiver case managers to update information shown under the “individual’s living arrangements” tab in the Advocare case management system to reflect actual living arrangements for all Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) participants. These updates may result in an individual’s Objective Based Allocation (OBA) being adjusted to match 460 IAC 13. If an individual’s updated living arrangement results in a new budget allocation, the waiver case manager will receive a notification that a new OBA has been calculated. Waiver case managers will then review the allocation and work with the Individualized Support Team (IST) to determine the most appropriate course of action. If the new OBA results in the need to create a new Cost Comparison Budget (CCB), the waiver case manager will submit it to the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities (BDDS) for approval or denial. Once approved or denied, a new Notice of Action (NOA) will be generated and sent to the waiver case manager to disseminate to the participant. Each participant will receive the NOA that contains the participants appeal rights.
Additionally, if after reviewing an individual’s functional assessment, the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) and ICAP Addendum, the IST determines the new allocation does not meet the individual’s support needs, the individual’s waiver case manager may also submit a Budget Review Questionnaire (BRQ) to BDDS for review. The Personal Allocation Review (PAR) unit within BDDS will review all BRQ requests and make the determination whether to make an adjustment to the allocation or request additional information. An approved BRQ may result in a change in an individual’s Objective Based Allocation. If approved, the waiver case manager will receive a notification that a new OBA has been calculated. Case managers will then review the allocation and work with the IST to complete the CCB. The procedural documents for a Budget Modification Request, Budget Review Questionnaire and High Cost Allocations are available on the DDRS Announcements page. If there are questions or concerns, please contact the BDDS office at 1-800-545-7763 or the Waiver Ombudsman at 1-800-622-4484 or 317-503-1217. Comments are closed.
June 2024