For the original publication, please click here. The following is a text version of the original publication.
-- To: Community Integration and Habilitation Wavier participants, families and providers From: Nicole Norvell, Director, Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services Cathy Robinson, Director, Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services Re: Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) waiver webinars Date: November 25, 2015 Starting in December, the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) will be hosting a series of webinars for providers, families and individuals to discuss changes to the Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) waiver.
The webinars will take place across several days and at different times to accommodate as many people as possible. The discussion will also be broken down into provider specific and family and waiver participant specific webinars. DDRS staff will be available to answer questions during both sets of webinars to discuss any questions that stakeholders may have regarding the proposed changes to the waiver, which was announced on November 25, 2015, in the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver Amendment (CIH Transform) announcement. Dates for the webinars are listed below as well as information on how to access them.
Dates for providers:
Dates for families and waiver participants:
A phone connection will also be available for anyone wishing to call in. Participants may call toll-free at1-877-422-1931, using participant code 5475203621# to enter the conference call. You do not have to call in if you are listening online. Comments are closed.
June 2024