Where industry professionals connect with experts, peers, resources and information to enhance quality services for individuals with disabilities.
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Each Annual Award nomination must include a 300 - 500 word narrative that describes the accomplishments of the nominee or organization as related to the specific award and include information such as:
Contributions to the human service industry
Professional and civic honors
Professional memberships
On-going professional development
Other relevant information
All nominations MUST be completed online. There is no limit to the number of nominations an organization may submit. Submission/Review Process: All nominations are due on or before, Wednesday, December 5, 2019, and will be reviewed by the applicable Nominating Committee in December. Individuals submitting nomination(s) will be notified on or before December 19, 2019 of the status of their nomination.
If you have questions, please contact Nanette Hagedorn, Vice President, Member Services (317-634-4957 / [email protected]).